
Showing posts from July, 2017

India's First Satellite Launch Vehicle SLV 3.

SATELLITE LAUNCHING VEHICLE 3 Image: SLV 3 SLV 3 is the 1st India's Experimental Satellite Launching Vehicle. Which was designed by ISRO. It was an all solid Four stage vehicle weighing 17 tons with the height of 22m. It can carry payload of 40Kg and can able to place it at Low Earth Orbit  (LEO). Image: SLV 3 It was successfully launched on 18th july 1980. However it was 1st  launched in  august 1979 but was partially succeed. It successfully placed the RS 1 satellite in its orbit . SLV-3 employed an open loop guidance (with stored pitch programme) to steer the vehicle in flight along a pre-determined trajectory. It was also launched in May1981 and April 1983. It was carrying the Rohini satellite which have Remote sensing sensors. After the launch of 1980, India became member of an exclusive club of space fairing nation.  

Rohini Technology Payload (RTP)

ROHINI TECHNOLOGY PAYLOAD - India's 3rd Satellite in space. Image: Rohini satellite payload RTP is one of the experimental satellite. It is  a spin Stabilized satellite.  Spin axis control technique is used for this satellite. The communication is made using VHF (Very High Frequency ) band. Its was 35 kg Weight. It was launched by India's First Launche Vehicle, SLV 3E1,the sleek 22.7metres red and white rocket from SHAR Centre, Sriharikota . The first phase of Indian Rocketry Program ends. This satellite contained the instrument to monitor the flight performance of SLV 3. The Mission was partially succeed. It could not be placed in its intended orbit. It was launched on 10 August 1979. The Details of the mission given below: Weight - 35 kg onboard power - 3Watts Communication - VHF band Stabilization - Spin stabilized (spin axis controlled) Payload - Launch vehicle monitoring instruments Launch date - August 10,1979 Launch site - SHAR Centre, Sriharik

BHASKARA I : India's Second Satellite

Bhaskara I : The 2nd Indian Satellite in Space. Image: Bhaskara I Bhaskara l was the Indian Mathematician and Astronomer born in Maharashtra in 7th Century (c.600 to c.680). He was first to use Hindi Number System and used circle as ziro. His name is used to named the India's 2nd Satellite Bhaskara I .  Image: Bhaskara I Satellite The Bhaskara was built by Indian Space Research Organisations (ISRO). It was launched on 7 june 1979 from Kapustin Yar , Russia. It was carried by Intercosmos launche vehicle into Earth's low orbit. Image: USSR stamp featuring Bhaskara I, Bhaskara II and Aryabhata   It is also India first low orbit observational satellite. It was placed in an orbital  Perigee  and  Apogee  of 394 km and 399 km at an inclination of 50.7°. The launch mass was 444 Kilograms. It was also an experimental satellite. The main purpose of this satellite was to collect data on hydrology, oceanography, telemetry. Two  television cameras  operat

Aryabhata The first Indian Satellite

                ARYABHATA - India's First Satellite,  complete study. Image : statue of Aryabhata   Aryabhata is the name of the renowned Mathematician of 5th century who contributed his life in the field of Space Science. The Satellite is named by India's 1st women Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.  Image : Aryabhata Satellite (source - wikipedia)    ARYABHATA Satellite is actually an experimental satellite which main purpose is to gain experience in building satellite by Indian. However it was built by ISRO to experiment X Ray astronomy, aeronomics and solar physics. Image : Kosmos 3M         It was launched in 19 April 1975 from Kapustin Yar, a Russia rocket launch and development bite un Astrakhan Oblast. The rocket used to launched this satellite is Kosmos 3M.        To launch this satellite india has agreement with the Soviet Union. India allow USSR to use  India Port for tracking ships and launch vessels.  Image : Dismantle