Scientific analysis on the concept of Swarg (Heaven) and Narg(Hell) ?

According to all the religion in Our Planet Earth If a Person dies, His or Her soul went to either Heaven or Hell. What is Actually Heaven Or Hell? This question strikes every person ones in their life. Nobody Knows the truth behind this belief. Every Religion have its own Explanations.
After having lots of research I have my own Explanations.
Lets Consider the Hindu Mythology. In Sanskrit Language our Earth is Called Prithvi LOK, also term like Swarg LOK, Narg LOK, Vishnu LOK, Braham LOK, etc are present in our hindu mythological books. So, Here the question arises what is this 'LOK' mean??? If you Look on this word properly it is very clear that like Prithvi Lok is Actually Our Earth Planet here Prthivi is Earth and the word LOK is Planet. So Prthvi LOK means Earth Planet. Similar it is very clear that,  Swarg Lok is nothing but Swarg planet, Narg Lok is Narg Planet, Vishnu Lok is Vishnu Planet, Braham Lok is Bramas's Planet. These Are The Planet That is Situated somewhere in our Universe. We dont know where but somewhere it is present in Real. So to go to these places we dont have to die. We just want a very advanced Space Ships.
If this is real then  why people says that you will go to swarg or narg when you die. Where this idea came from? First of all we should know People Don't Know the truth. They Are Just assuming and believing their religion.
Lets analyse one context from the hindu mythology. The use the words like swargwaas. It means he went to swarg not die. It is very clear. But today we have manipulated the meaning of this word and mean something else. In ancient time people write and draw whatever they saw.
In ancient time, somehow all these planets  are in contact, they can communicate with each other, there are some technology available to transport them from one planet to another. So if a person having good nature did lots of good work, people from Swarg take them to their planet in their Well decorated  'rath' or in logical way they take the good people to their planet in their ships. Similarly those who do the bad things are sent to the Planet Narg. They went to the Narg or Swarg physically alive  not after being dead. Since they left the Planet Earth and went to other planet they announced dead i.e. gone from our planet .
Afterthat whenever person dies in our planet people make a tradition to say they went to either swarg or narg.
Thus We can conclude that the Swarg and Narg all exists somewhere in our universe but today the contact  between us broke.


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