String Theory and Multiverse

We Know Newton's or  Einstein'sTheory Unable to solve the mysteries of the centre of our Universe or The centre of Black Hole, Two Of the Amazing Places of our Universe. Einstein's Equations unable to even reach to solve these problems. So to try to solve these problem the idea of Strings theory came into existence. String Theory can explain the incident even before the Big Bang Theory before the genesis itself.
    String Theory tells us that we are not living in the Universe we are in Multiverse.
    Einstein's Model of the universe from his equation tells us that we are like insects on the Big Gigantic Soap Bubble. This Bubble expanding and we are trap on this Bubble surface and we cant escape. This is Called Big Bang Theory.
   But According to String Theory, there are multiverse, There are also some other bubbles exists. Each bubble is an Universe when two bubble collides it make one complete bubble and when a bubble split up it makes two bubbles or we can say two universe. This is how String theory Exaplain the Big Bang.
So our universe is created by either Collision or by splitting of other universe.
If there is Multiverse then question comes in our mind can we go to other universes ?
The Answer is Yes. If Somehow we can create Wormhole between universes.
We can Go from one universe to another.
If we are able to create Wormhole then we can use it as a Time Machine. Since String Theory is the theory of everything . It is also the Theory of Time. To make the Time Machine practically working Enormous amount of energy is required.
Today we know all these things are possible but still we don't know how. May be we can walk in time and can travel through wormhole in future but now we are lack of knowledge and Technology.


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